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Dr. John Georgiou

Research Institute
Mount Sinai Hospital
Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Health Complex
600 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1X5

Tel.: 416-586-4800 ext.4516

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Dr. John Georgiou


Dr. Georgiou is a research scientist specializing in neuroscience, the study of the nervous system. He is interested in deciphering the defects that occur in a variety of brain disorders. Of particular interest are the learning & memory dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorders, multiple sclerosis, and psychiatric disorders. He aims to find i) methods to enhance cognitive function and i) treatments for preventing these disorders.

While neurodevelopmental changes can lead to some of the above-mentioned brain disorders, all of these disorders are associated with impairments in synaptic communication and/or plasticity. Synaptic plasticity modulates the strength of neuronal signals, and is recognized as the cellular mechanism underlying learning & memory. Thus the work aims to understand and identify changes in brain communication, at the level of tiny communication hubs between neurons, known as synapses.

Multiple recording methods are employed including microscopy (imaging), electrophysiology (electrical signals), behaviour (learning & memory cognitive performance tasks), and biochemistry (genetic material and molecular composition). Biological functions are studied at levels ranging from the whole animal (mouse models of disease) down to brain circuits, cells and molecules. Understanding the mechanisms involved in brain cell development, communication, and plasticity (including remodeling) are critical for designing and testing new treatment approaches that are urgently needed.

At a Glance

Investigates learning and memory processes. A major focus is to elucidate the disrupted brain signaling defects underlying cognitive disorders.

Collingridge lab Research Scientist: Oversees the neuroscience research program of Dr. Graham L. Collingridge at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute.

Microscopy ̶ Imaging Specialist: Management and Advisery roles at OPTIMA core facility (microscopy-based imaging).

Major Research Activities

Dr. Georgiou works closely with Dr. Collingridge and other scientists to investigate learning and memory function in health and disease.

The research focuses on molecular and signalling aspects of brain cell communication.